About the blog author

Robert Courtois is Professor (MD, PhD) of psychopathology and clinical psychology (University of Tours, QualiPsy) and also part-time hospital psychiatrist (CHRU of Tours - CRIAVS Centre-Val de Loire). Orcid: 0000-0002-3557-5264.

CV HAL = https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/robert-courtois

Please feel free to contact me for a research project or to consider collaboration (pour me/nous contacter pour un projet de recherche ou des collaborations, n'hésitez pas) : robert.courtois@univ-tours.fr


Fuller picture:

Responsible of the CRIAVS Centre-Val de Loire (Centre ressources pour les intervenants auprès des auteurs de violences Sexuelles / regional resource centre for people working with sexual offenders) and judicial expert at the Court of Appeal of Orléans (Centre-Val de Loire Region).

Research team: EE QualiPsy (Qualité de vie et Santé psychologique) (RNSR : 201923473L)

Research areas:

Difficulties in adapting to interpersonal relationships and the environment (academic, professional, socio-cultural), sometimes since becoming an adult, due to previous vulnerabilities, personality disorders, risk factors or, more broadly, psychopathological processes. These situations are associated with an alteration of mental health: (1) sexual violence, intimate partner violence, harassment; (2) disorders in the face of illness and adverse environments; (3) risk-taking behaviors, addictions, risky sexuality or delinquent behaviors of certain young adults.

Academic background:
- Accreditation to supervise research (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université de Tours, 2010)
- PhD in Public health / Psychology (Bordeaux2 / Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), 2000
- Masters in Psychology (University of Tours, 1993 and Sorbonne University, 1995) and anthropology (University of Tours, 1995)
- Medical doctor (University of Tours, 1993)

Others activities:

- In charge of the "Master of Psychology" specialization - University of Tours
- Teaching manager (with Wissam EL Hage) of the university diploma "Violences sexuelle et psychotraumatologie"
(Sexual violences and psychotraumatology) (University of Tours)
- Dissertations defended: 11 (9 supervised PhD students and 2 co-supervised PhD students) (feb, 2022)
- Member of the scientific committee of the national coordination of the centers for perpetrators of intimate partner violence (CPCA : centres de prise en charge des auteurs de violences conjugales)
- Past-president of the AFERTP (Association Francophone d’Étude et Recherche sur les Troubles de la Personnalité
/ Francophone association for study and research on personality disorders)
- Past-medical leader of departmental hospital structures for adolescent care (during more of 10 years)
- Past-teaching manager of the university diploma "Clinique des violences sexuelles : psychopathologie, prises en charge,
évaluations criminologiques et coordination
" (Psychopathology of sexual violence, care, criminological assessment...)
(University of Tours)

Robert Courtois's blog
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